
There’s a quote that I found that says comparison is the thief of joy. Isn’t that so true — when we are focused on what we don’t have compared to what someone else has, it’s impossible to be happy. But here’s the irony — most often when we are comparing ourselves to someone else, we are comparing our inside to their outside. We are comparing what we see outwardly going on with that person with what we feel internally about ourselves. WHOA!!

In order for each of us to really be our best self and do the work we have been called to do and live the life we have been saved to live — we are going to have to change our mindset about ourselves. We are going to have to love ourselves — every single part of ourselves. And we are going to have to stop comparing ourselves to others!

In this video I share some great quotes to help you to love you more AND 4 key strategies to get you out of the cycle of comparison.




It’s normal for us to engage in comparison at some level, but we can’t let it steal away our gifts and our joy. So, have you ever struggled with this? Are there other tips that you would add? Is there an area that you are going to take action in to further develop yourself? I’d love to know.