Over the past year, life has taken a series of unexpected turns. While some people are quite comfortable living by the seat of their pants and just taking life as it come, I AM NOT. I like love having a plan. I like love when things (life) goes according to my plan. But that is not the season that I am in. And I’m completely out of my comfort zone (read more HERE).


As I am striving to not just accept, but to embrace, the season that I am in, I realize that there are a number of things I have learned about myself and about life.  I am definitely stretching – in a good way.


Here are 5 things that I’ve learned from stepping out of my comfort zone:  5 Things I Learned from Stepping Out My Comfort Zone


A Comfort Zone is a Beautiful Place but Nothing Grows There!

Change is necessary for growth. While it may be very comfortable to stay in a place of familiarity, we will never grow into the person we are created to be if we are unwilling to move beyond what is comfortable.  Many people have become complacent because the common notion is that change is bad. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Change can be very healthy and liberating. How we respond to change is a function of our mindset. Change your mind, change your outlook. And the reality is, change is inevitable. I like to say the only thing that remains the same is change.


Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again & Expecting Different Results is Insanity!

If I want something that I have never had before, I’m going to have to do some things that I have never done before.  It’s like being a caged hamster on a wheel. You can expend a lot of energy, but never go anywhere. I have come to realize that every step I take out of my comfort zone (even the baby step) gets me off the “wheel” and onto a path that leads to the life I really want to live.  Every step into the uncomfortable is building up courage inside of me to take the next step. I have to be honest, it is a challenge but my new motto is “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.”


Fear and Failure are Part of the Process!

Awwww, this one hurts! LOL! Part of my obsession with planning has to do with my strong aversion to failure. If I plan enough, I don’t have to fear because I can’t fail, right?  WRONG!! Fear and failure are part of life. We can’t really avoid them, but we don’t have to be overcome by them, either. I am learning that they are part of this process of growing and changing and dream chasing! Whenever we encounter something uncomfortable and new, there is bound to be a bit of fear. It’s just how our bodies are wired. But unless the “uncomfortable and new” is a 500 lb black bear, we don’t need to run from it (note: if you do encounter a 500 lb bear – don’t try to run from it!). Every successful person has a story of hard work, perseverance and failure. I have learned to “feel the fear” and do it anyway AND to fail forward.


Encountering Difficulties Doesn’t Mean Your on the Wrong Path!

There came a point a few weeks ago when I was beginning to get discouraged. I was feeling like nothing was “going the way that I planned” (ha!) and that there were a lot of obstacles cropping up. I began to take this as a sign that I was heading in the wrong direction; that somehow I had “missed” what I thought God had called me to do. A supremely wise person (my husband) said to me “just because it’s hard right now doesn’t mean you’re not on the right path.” I needed that bit of encouragement in that moment. Within the week, doors began to open, unexpected blessings began to pour in and the obstacles no longer appeared insurmountable. Lesson learned! I’m understanding how to keep the bigger picture in mind, how to keep my eyes on my true Source and how to not get bogged down when challenges arise.


Vulnerability is Strength

First of all, if you haven’t watched Brene’ Brown’s TED talk on vulnerability, you have to check it out.  Being out of my comfort zone has made me feel incredibly vulnerable. I no longer feel completely on top of my game. I no longer feel like the “expert”.  I no longer feel like I have all the answers (not that I ever really did).  I have had to seek help at a deeper and more consistent level that I ever had. And being committed to telling authentic stories about myself, I have had to put my vulnerability on display. And what I have discovered has been shocking. The response to my vulnerability has been one of support and relatability. And through that, I have been able to draw strength and then give it to others. POWERFUL!


As you continue (or begin) to step out of your own comfort zone, I pray that my lessons may encourage you. It is outside of our comfortable place that the magic happens! And who can’t stand to have a little more magic in their life?


Have you begun to step out of your comfort zone? What lessons have YOU learned?


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